
i’m sorry the blog has been so quiet – there are all sorts of excuses i could make but i think it boils down to losing my cooking mojo at some point earlier this summer and despite efforts to get back on track, and bursts of activity, i’m still struggling a bit.
so, i’ve decided to take action. i’m planning a couple of new cookery books for new inspiration – ottlenghi’s jerusalem is pre-ordered but i’ve also got my eye on a couple of others – and have invited friends round so i can’t be a lazy-girl and just fall back on freezer food/old faithfuls. i’ve also stocked up on seasonal goodies – this weekend i need to fit in dressed crab, courgette flowers, five different types of tomatoes and more herbs than i can shake a pesto jar at…
thankfully i’m starting to feel inspired again - these rosewater meringues are the start of preparing supper for friends who will be here this evening – i’m going to bash them up a bit and served with poached plums, berries and preserved cherries in syrup.
and, although it’s not directly related to food, the reflections in this photo have also helped on the inspiration front.