happy new year

i know i’m a bit late with my new year wishes but getting settled at home is taking a bit longer than expected. we had an amazing holiday in malawi but waking up with the sun c5am (malawi time) means i’m raring to go at 3am gmt and need my bed by 8pm. hopefully i will get my body clock back on track over this weekend!
so, a new year and lots of new food. my new year’s resolution is to be more creative and hopefully that will be reflected in the food i’m cooking and eating. i need to get out of the rut where my default, can’t-be-bothered-to-think-about-food, dishes are pizza, pasta and risotto.
i’m hoping my newest cookbook momofuku will help as korean food (albeit with a fusion focus) is new to me. curry easy is another new book which i want to spend some time with and, shamefully, i still have several books on my shelf which remain uncooked from – the second leon book (the layout is dreadful which puts me off flicking through to see what appeals), rick bayless’s mexican kitchen and heston blumenthal’s big fat duck cook book (i never planned to cook from this but maybe i should give something a try). if you’ve any recommendations about where to start with these books, let me know!
another side to my “be more creative” resolution is to start taking photographs of things other than food. i’ve committed to taking a photo a day and, if you are interested, you can keep an eye on this via flickr – all constructive criticism welcome! hopefully the lessons i learn through this project will be reflected in my food photos as well.
the picture above is sunrise on new year’s day, as we flew into london.