presto pasta nights

for many of us, pasta and noodles are store cupboard standbys. whether it’s been a long tough day and you need to get something onto the plate as quickly as possible, or you want to take the time to make something a little more special but still with the comfort factor that noodle and pasta dishes so reliably provide, these are favourite ingredients for many cooks.

which is why presto pasta nights, a food blogging event created by ruth from once upon a feast is so popular. in its 79th week i have the pleasure of playing host on ruth’s behalf.

if you’ve got a pasta or noodle dish that’s worth sharing, please get involved!

here’s how it works:

  • create a dish using pasta or noodles
  • post about it on your blog anytime from now until 5 september (entries must be in english, please).
  • link to this post and send me details (see below)

once you’ve posted your dish, send an email with “ppn 79” in the subject line to: abby (at) eattherightstuff (dot) com by 5 september with the following information:

  • your name
  • your location
  • the name of your blog and its url
  • the name of your dish and a link to the relevant post
  • a copy of the main photo of your dish (if you use one)

let’s get cooking!